Kay's Desktop VS. Mobile.

final task.

Mobile vs Desktop mock-up Image.


My inspiration for the design came from the want to use a white layout with pastel colours. I automatically thought about a painting service. The logo came naturally from that, with a brush stroke behind the name of the group. The font for the headings was chosen because of its laidback and free style which mimics a paintbrush. For the bodycopy, I chose a simplistic light and modern typeface to compliment the heading font. This also adds a nice modern look. The colour scheme was my inspiration for the whole site: light pastels (pink, yellow, green, blue). I wanted the mood of the website to be comfortable, clean and happy. I went for a very simplistic and user friendly layout in both my mobile and my desktop mockups to enhance userability and keep it all simple and modern. In the desktop, a simple header with the logo, a nav bar, a side bar with the description and social media links, a gallery to showcase the company's work, their promises as a company and a short footer. For the mobile, I envision the first section/header with the logo will take up the whole screen when the user first loads the page. To make my site unique, I envision a simple initial animation of the paintstroke being painted on the screen and then the title typed out. As well, instead of a hamburger button to bring down the nav, I used a paintbrush to match the theme. I also think the brush strokes adds an unique touch.